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A deep dive into my formal and informal learning


Learning has always been one of my top priorities. Now that I have the privilege of attending a top university, I have made it my goal to take advantage of all the learning opportunities possible. 


Below is a list of all of the courses I have taken and am in the process of taking along with links to the projects I made in the courses. 

Class Timeline

Fall 2021

The University of Texas at Austin

Spring 2022

The University of Texas at Austin

Summer 2022

Austin Community College

Personal Learning

Intro to 2-D Design

A crash course on the Adobe Creative Cloud

Intro to Design History

Learned about the importance of design movements and inclusivity


An intensive course on industrial sketching

Design Studio I

Three intensive sections exploring interactive, industrial, and graphic design

Intro to Design Research

An introduction to the most important design research methods

Intro to 3-D Design

A crash course on 3-D modeling from the sketching stage to the presentation. Mainly using Rhino as the main CA program

Intro to Design Theory & Criticism

An exploration into what makes design "good", and how we can evaluate designs

Intro to Interaction Design

Building on Design studio one, this course teaches the intersection of psychology and design

Design Studio II

Three intensive sections exploring interactive, furniture, and 2-D design

Development of Film & Media

A timeline of how the film industry came to be and how it is ever-changing through technology and society

Intro to Media & Entertainment Industries

An economic and sociological glance at the entertainment industries 

Summer 2020

The University of Texas at Austin

Design Bootcamp

Learned the basics of design coding. Spent two weeks making multiple interactive designs using P5.js 



Responsive Web Design Certification

I spent about 200 hours learning the languages that developers use to build webpages: HTML for content, and CSS for design.


Intro to Computer Programming

A summer course that covered the basics of computer programming, mainly focusing on Python. I learned about lists, tuples, dictionaries, and much more.

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